Friday 3 June 2011

The Internet


There are many advantages and disadvantages that come upon the use of the internet.  However the key arguments discussed in this blog will portray a brief history of the internet, the latest internet technology the internet explorer 9, then following by the advantages explaining the benefits and the disadvantages describing the negative aspects to be aware of when using the internet. Finally, a conclusion would be made summing up how the internet has changed our lives and will be followed by a recommendation.

 A brief history of the internet

The internet came into being based on the inventions and discoveries of many men working together and alone over the years. During the 1950s and 1970s internet technologies were being explored by the scientists. Tim Berners-Lee is remembered as the man leading the development of the world wide web, the defining of HTML (Hypertext Mark up Language) which is used to create and URLS (Universal Resource Locators). Today, the internet is used by many people around the world for several reasons greatly enhancing our lives.

The latest internet technology Internet Explorer 9

Our latest long awaited version of the internet is Internet Explorer 9. The new design affects have a better streamlined technology making it look more efficient than the previous explorers. Technology  is improving every now and then and so often changing our lives in many ways. 

Advantages of how the internet has changed our lives

The use of the internet has produced many changes in our lives. The advantages include many good benefits. Those benefits include improvement for education and convenience.

Improvement for education

The internet is a great way to enhance learning and development for students. For example integrated computer technology using the internet is a great and ideal option for students that cannot attend classroom courses if they are not feeling well.  Having the ability to access data from online without the need to travel is convenient. Scientist researcher Alleyne suggests that browsing online is a better option than reading books to boost the brain in education. The study results showed that this is very common in the middle aged and older adults.  As the brain gets older, a number of changes occur such as reductions in the cell activity. Internet searches trigger the brain that control decision-making and reasoning.


Another benefit that the internet brings to people is convenience. One example is online banking. According to this site, Miriam, explains why the internet is suitable for online banking. The author clearly states why online banking is convenient allowing anyone the ability to view transactions, pay bills online and also setting up automatic transfers for loan repayments.. Email is also another good example of convenience.  Email is a form of communication which allows many users to check, receive and send mail instantly. A very popular source of communication is Face book. The website is free of cost, affordable and all users need is connection to the internet.  
As a result, the internet has made our lives very useful and convenient changing our lives in ways of improvement and convenience.

Disadvantages of how the internet has changed our lives

Despite the advantages, the internet also portrays a number of disadvantages of how it has changed our lives. The disadvantages include cyber bullying and harmful viruses.

Cyber bullying

Cyber bullying is noted as issue involving anyone that is bullied and accused on the internet whether or not knowing or not knowing the person. According to this articleWoulfe mentions that “students are abusing fellow pupils on teen websites”. The article clearly shows that internet safety can be accused by abusive behavior. Anyone can get bullied on the internet especially when using a communicative website. Moreover, the internet users should not talk to any strangers online unless they specifically know them.

Harmful Viruses

Another disadvantage is the harmful viruses that come across. A virus attaches itself to a program or file so it can spread.  The viruses usually attach themselves if websites aren’t secured than eventually harm the computer. However, some programs for example, Norton antivirus software can resolve these issues. The user must always check for an update on viruses every so often. This is mainly for security purposes so that hackers cannot retrieve this kind of information as they can be able access confidential data. Accordingly, to this article  it is mentioned that "while most break-in tries fail, an unprotected PC can get hijacked within minutes of accessing the internet" is mentioned in this article.

These disadvantages, cyber bullying and harmful viruses both show a negative side. However, the internet has an enabling option to have control in computer security.


In conclusion, from the articles in which have been discussed show how the advantages and disadvantages using the internet have made a measurable difference in our lives.  Advantages included convenience and improvement for educational purposes, Disadvantages included cyber bullying and harmful viruses.  Although there are both advantages and disadvantages that come across when using the internet, to address the issues, all users of the internet need to contribute and help each other to avoid the problems which are occurring in our world today. A key recommendation from the arguments that are made in this blog is that we need to make the internet a safer environment for everyone therefore, by filtering and protecting all information on the internet can be a solution ro minimize the problem. 


Alleyene, R. (2008, October 14). Internet beats books for improving the mind, say scientists. The Telegraph. Retrieved from

Caldwell, M. (n.d). Three Advantages of Online Banking.Retrieved June 3, 2011, Retrieved from

Email Communication Problems: How To Communicate Effectively. (2007) Retrieved June 3, 2011, from

Nolan, T. (n.d). What Are Computer Viruses? Retrieved June 3, 2011, from

Acohido, B. Swartz, J. (2004, November 29). Unprotected PCs can be hijacked in minutes. USA TODAY. Retrieved from